2023-24 Chicago Bulls Schedule
The Chicago Bulls 2023-24 schedule release took the nostalgic approach of playing the Pokémon game on Game Boy, telling a simple story of Benny the Bull traveling across Chicago and into the United Center to battle familiar foes along the way – with plenty of Easter eggs throughout.
I was solely responsible for designing, illustrating, and animating the entire 5 minute video, with sound design/FX done by my coworker Cait Hicks.
The video then went viral garnering much attention across many big name media outlets such as SportsCenter, Sports Illustrated, Complex Sports, Bleacher Report, Barstool Sports and several gaming networks, and receiving nearly 2 million views on Chicago Bulls Twitter.
Media Coverage
NBC Sports Chicago (syndicated on Yahoo! Sports) - Bulls drop nostalgic Pokemon-themed video for schedule release
WBZ Radio 1030 (Boston); ran 4x - http://my.tvey.es/o6E9C
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